Using gin with pongo2/v4 or v5 and embedded templates

You’d like to use pongo2/v4 with gin and embed templates with go:embed.

I’m using cobra for my cli parsing and commands.

edit cmd/ui.go





and finally run

to download packages

Any questions -> leave a comment

Go/Golang Run embedded bash script or node/js,python,php,ruby etc

Since Go v1.16 there’s the embed package, a simple tool to embed files as filesystems of simple strings or []bytes.

While it has its downsides, I was recently met with a challenge. I’d like to run bash scripts I wrote because it’s more efficient to just run a bash script than breaking my fingers writing os/exec stuff.

Anyhow it’s pretty simple really. Any shell command has a standard input and output. You just assign the file pointer (aka the Reader) to the os.Command’s Stdin.
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