Banned from entgo, why?

I wanted to create an issue, in the size annotation doesn’t have any effect when used on a MySQL database.

I couldn’t create the issue, “unable to create issue”, and no further information.

So I said that I can’t create an issue in their discord.
Then I wrote, “So I’ve been banned. What for? Being to critical of Atlas?”

Without any response I was banned from the discord as well.


Because I don’t agree with giving them my schema information when I need to use it in a k8s context?

I don’t know because I never received a reason.

Seriously, I’ve had enough of those emotionally and mentally unstable mini dictators, banning people for personal entertainment or satisfying their inferiority complex.

Absolutely unacceptable behavior banning someone from their discord only for asking what’s wrong.

Ariel Mashraki need his head examined.

Update 21. Jan. 2025:
I created an issue with Atlas where I demanded the ban lifted or my contributions, issues, discussions and comments deleted.
That issue was deleted and I was banned from the Atlas repository.
I’m now going to file copyright and intellectural property violations with Github, also find a lawyer to sue them.

Looking back

Looking back, I feel the current point in time is like the beginning of a new chapter.
I was very hurt and angry since my Ex cheated on me in 2010 and that created a lot of pain and unusual behavior which lead to mostly bad things happening in my life.

I’m not saying everything is different, but things have changed.

I feel like I’m slowly getting my inner balance back.

Secure OBS Websocket with nginx

The OBS websocket developer has a pretty weird point of view regarding listening on private network addresses vs the current state of it listening on a public IP or IPs.
What OBS websocket currently does is listening on which is an alias for all available IP addresses.
But if you’re controlling OBS via Websocket from the outside, it’s no one’s business what you do there.

I will explain how to turn the ws: into a wss:domain.tld:443 .

It’s very simple. You need to have nginx installed and somewhere “production ready” configured.
You probably have your config files in /etc/nginx/conf.d or similar.
Create a vhost there.

save it as /etc/nginx/conf.d/domain.tld.conf

Replace all instances of domain.tld with your domain and/or subdomain combination/name.


request a new certificate from letsencrypt

and restart nginx

If you can’t generate a certificate, or nginx fails to start,
comment everything in the 2nd server block, aka add a # at the beginning of each line there, restart nginx, request a cert, uncomment again, restart nginx.

Connect to OBS websocket via wss://domain.tld:443

Ideally you would have a firewall on your obs server, but this is out of scope.# of this post.

Any questions, comments are below.

Disable AggregatorHost.exe

What is AggregatorHost.exe? I don’t know, but I know how to disable it.

Right click on your taskbar, select Task Manager, go to Services, Open Services, find “Connected User Experience and Telemetry”, right click -> Properties, set Startup Type to Disabled and under Service status press the “Stop” button.

Done and done.

Ist in Teinacher Mineralwasser Zucker drin?

Ich bin Diabetiker, wie ich neulich erfahren musste.
Ich trinke täglich Teinacher Mineralwasser Medium aus der Plastikflasche, bzw aus dem Trinkglas.

Es ist nicht das erste mal, daß ich einen Zuckergeschmack im Mund habe, nachdem ich etwas von dem Wasser getrunken habe. Das Wasser schmeckt süßlich im Nachgeschmack.

Jetzt weiß ich nicht, liegt es an mir, weil ich Zucker im Organismus habe und durch das Wasser der Geschmack hervorsticht, oder liegt es daran, daß Zucker im Teinacher Mineralwasser ist?

Ich würde ja gerne Feedback von anderen lesen, ob das bei Ihnen auch so ist, mit oder ohne Diabetes.