If I created a Linux distribution

I’d keep it simple.
The 1st thing that I would change is the directory structure.
I’d have 1 directory called system
all OS stuff goes there

then I’d have a users dir
in the users dir I’d have
– programs dir
– data dir
– home dir

the programs dir would contain programs/applications
the home dir would contain data like pictures, video, music, documents
data would contain appdata, example firefox cache or ssh keys


every program installed would run under its own user, exampe username.firefox
and group username
same with data, also username.firefox

home would be owned by username:username

and that’s it, now everything is orderly

next step: package management
create something as seen on MacOS. Essentially zip (or other) with metadata. fuse mount those archives so the content can be executed.

as for the UI, take inspiration from ChromeOS, imho that’s a clean and orderly UI.
programs that are running are automatically put on the bottom bar.
you can pin them for quick access. apart from that categorize, tag so they can easily be found and/or installed/removed.

Samba, anonymous access, which system user?

I searched around and found nothing so here it is:

TL;DR: the user and group is “nobody”

my smb.conf


Flatrate ist kein Volumentarif

Liebe oder eher nicht so liebe Mobilfunkanbieter,

Wenn da 16Mbit/s FLATRATE steht und darunter 1GB Transfervolumen, dann ist das keine Flatrate sondern ein Volumentarif.

Wie klagt da eigentlich keiner? Sonst klagen doch auch alle wegen allem und ihrer Mutter

Using mgo and writing handlers in Go with net/http

This is a short example of how to write handlers in Go and use the MongoDB mgo driver.

Assume you want to write handlers that are in a package and mount this handler under a certain prefix,
for instance a HelloHandler mounted on /hello/.

So you have a main package and a handler package, called hello.

Directory structure is


Run it

and navigate to http://localhost:8080/hello/

Neuer Blog

Habe eine neue Blogsoftware geschrieben, also proof of concept.

Mein Privater Blog lebt wieder, allerdings leicht versteckt. Wer ihn findet bekommt … nix.
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Dateien, Bilder, Blog, Wiki und was mir noch so einfällt.