Disable tracker3 which gtk3 depends on

tracker3, a dependency of GTK, a widget toolkit… a tracking library being a dependency of a widget toolkit… the idiocy.
The things we complain about in Windows for privacy concerns are just blindly accepted in Linux. Stupidity reigns supreme.
I can already hear the critics of this post “you’re the one who’s stupid, it’s a filesystem indexer and metadata store”.
Orly. No shit. Then why is it a required dependency of *THE* base library of gnome and other desktop environments that use GTK?
Trust no one, especially people with an agenda and supposedly “free” stuff.

Linux has the very nice find command. find ./ -name whatever.ext. Why do I need a deamon running in the background tracking everything I do?
I don’t. It’s an unnecessary waste of resources (that means power, money) that always runs in the background.

You can disable it though.

This is for Archlinux. It should be at the same location in other distributions, we’re folloing conventions right?

What does chmod -x mean? It sets the file to not be able to be executed (ran).
What does chattr +i mean? A file with the ‘i’ attribute cannot be modified: it cannot be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to this file, most of the file’s metadata can not be modified, and the file can not be opened in write mode. Only the superuser or a process possessing the CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE capability can set or clear this attribute.

Baldur’s Gate 3? It sucks

This was written for the pre-release version, the 5 or so years of “early access”.
The complete game is actually good, but the critique about the starter area is still valid.
Also the game is incomplete, a whole city area in act 3 was cut.

Why does it suck?
Because of missed expectations.
It’s Divinity Original Sin 3, not Baldur’s Gate 3.

It starts great, with an interesting story, but what comes next is not interesting. It’s the starter island of DOS2 revisited.
Everywhere you go the environment wants to kill you.
Traps, goblins, nazi druids. Everything is packed, there’s no normal way of life. One occurence to the next and one area to the next. Suddenly you’re in a swamp and then you’re in a rocky dry area. Come on, what is this? A tech demo?
You don’t even have full customizablilty of your characters. Why am I limited to 17 dex on a rogue? And the wizard can go either evocation based or abjuration based. Why not necromancy or illusion or conjuration?

Baldur’s Gate was a milestone, just like NWN was. But Baldur’s Gate 3 is not that. It’s DOS2 with a “proper” D&D skin.
And it makes too heavy use of non-sensical dice checks.
The game “Low magic age” has a more in-depth and accurate adaption of the D&D ruleset than BG3.

I am disappoint.

Graphics and sound are nice but who cares? There are so many glitches and it’s a damn slap in the face that the customer is supposed to play tester and pay for playing tester.

In it’s current state the verdict is 2/10

Liebig34 Kommentar

Kurz und knapp. Warum macht die Polizei nicht mal eine Räumung oder Razzia bei den Rechtsextremen? Weil man da ja sonst gegen die eigenen Freunde und Familie handeln würde.
Der Deutsche Staat ist voller Nazis.

Android nativ unter Linux

Leider nur als Snap verfügbar.


Es nutzt den Kernel des Systems und nutzt Namespaces um eine Isolierung zu erreichen. Ich habe es noch nicht ausprobiert, aber klingt schonmal besser als eine Emulation.
Idealerweise natürlich bräuchte man sowas nicht und auf den Telefonen läuft GNU/Linux nicht Android/Linux, so das man nicht durch irgendwelche “Hoops” springen muss.

Google Play Store wird nicht unterstützt. Scheiss auf Google anyway.