Es gibt keine drei Geschlechter

Es gibt männlich und es gibt weiblich.
Wenn du dich als Mann identifizierst gibst du männlich an. Das selbe in einer anderen Farbe für Frauen.
Warum man da jetzt ein drittes Geschlecht einführen sollte, verstehe ich nicht.

Biologisches Geschlecht ist im Großteil der Fälle eindeutig. Wo es nicht eindeutig ist greift womit man sich am ehesten identifizert.
Schon allein das ich einen Blogpost dazu schreiben muss ist Zeitverschwendung und zeigt das die Deutschen keine echten Probleme haben oder das die Millenials totalverblödet sind.

There is not a single proper database

I’m so tired of it.
I’m using MongoDB and you can store files, great. But the Go driver, the official one sucks.
And the mgo driver is abandoned. The official driver is also slow, slower than Postgresql. 3.2ms for querying a dataset of 5k entries and another {“_id”: {“$in”: [“list”, “of”, “objectids”]}} that’s 1-20 long and 3 on average?
Compared to PHP that’s lightning fast I guess, but for Go standards it isn’t.

There is not one single database system that does it all.
Files, JSON, simple query language, no schema migrations required and most of all distributed and change detection and notification of.

I guess it’s all part of the job but I really wish humanity would advance and not take 1 step forward, 2 steps back to bullshit jargon the next step ahead as innovation where in reality it’s just fixing the bs that they had produced in the first place.

Deutsche Bahn ist in die Cloud gezogen

Die Tagesschau sagt, “Deutsche Bahn ist in der Cloud”.

Jetzt wissen wir auch warum die Bahnpreise teurer werden.

Habt ihr das nicht auch so gern das ihr Abgaben an Microsoft und Amazon zahlt wenn ihr mit der Bahn fahrt?

Stop annoying me with cookie nag screens

The EUGDPR is pretty clear on what the default behavior should be. Deny all cookies.
That doesn’t mean that you publishers can nag people with modal dialogs about their cookie preferences.
Your site is not important. The moment I see this dialog I navigate back without ever coming back, on my phone.
On the stationary computer if the content is interesting enough I manually block all cookies and do away in the browser’s DOM with the nagscreen.

What’s a better alternative?
Should the visitor ever want to create an account at your site, then you can ask them of their cookie preferences.
NO ONE has cookie preferences.
Stop adding nag screens to your websites.
I’m not coming to your website to deal with cookie choices, but to receive information.

Your nagging won’t change people’s opinions about their privacy.

Nokia to build NASA’s LTE/4G network on the moon

Nokia selected by NASA to build first ever cellular network on the Moon

LTE/4G technology promises to revolutionize lunar surface communications by delivering reliable, high data rates while containing power, size and cost.

Revolutionize lunar surface communications… let that sink in. That is bullshit babble 1st class. Where previously is nothing *any* attempt at building something would “revolutionize” anything.

Communications will be a crucial component for NASA’s Artemis program, which will establish a sustainable presence on the Moon by the end of the decade.

2 things. 1st, that’s news to me that NASA is planning to “establish a sustainable presence on the Moon by the end of the decade”.
2nd So they’re building a resort to retreat from the planet and “save” a few hands full of “cruicial, system relevant people” when they’ve destroyed this planet.

This means de facto that the richards of the world have no intention to stop what they’re doing that is killing the planet’s ecosystem and population and are building a means to escape for a few generations when most population has died out from either war or hunger and thirst and has devolved back into apes most of the population are now anyway. Soulless consumers blinded by money.
Just imagine there’s a really dangerous pandemic on earth, pest-like or ebola on a grand scale and the “important” *cough* people will just take a 10 year vacation on the moon while the rest dies.
Restarting the world.
I have zero doubt a piece of shit like Donald Trump and the likes would do it in a heartbeat.