Why is Google punishing me?

Google de-monetized this blog when it was still under blog.icod.de, because the top level domain icod.de didn’t have ads, because it’s my company’s website, and also barely any, what Google calls, content. But the blog has been up for years and well linked and has seen its impressions and I helped many people with my blog posts.
But now there are barely any impressions or search result clicks.
The number of indexed pages also dropped by about 90%.
Since about a month ago it’s almost flatlined.

So why is Google punishing me?

Nothing changed except the domain, and I’ve added the Google Sitekit plugin.

Am I not right wing enough?
Am I criticizing Google Meta Microsoft too much?

What is it Google, that you’re punishing me for?

Remix JS: Does Remix use process.env or import.meta.env?

Does Remix use vite’s import.meta.env or process.env?

The answer is, both. However it’s better to rely on vite’s import.meta.env because of 2 things:
1. Only VITE_ prefixed environment variables are imported
2. It’s also available in the non-SSR context, while process.env is a NODE thing only and not propagated to the browser.

So what does that mean?

You can have a
and a
file in the project root and add things like

and you can access those variables with e.g.

but this also gives you access to other variables, which are present by default

Kleinanzeigen Kreis Göppingen

Die letzten Tage habe ich an einer Kleinanzeigenplatform für den Kreis Göppingen gearbeitet.

Sie wurde mit ent, gqlgen, mysql im Backend und react mit vite und relay, flowbite UI und tailwindcss im Frontend geschrieben. Als Authentifizierung nutzt sie Zitadel als OIDC IDP.

Man kann sie finden unter:
Kleinanzeigen Kreis Göppingen

Uncaught RangeError: date value is not finite in DateTimeFormat.format()

Playing with Flowbite React and their Datepicker component, I had data coming from the backend in this or similar form:


React is a bit of a cringy special child. Angular, no problemo. Vue, no problemo.

I have to set defaultValues in a React-hook-form form, because React is special with controlled and uncontrolled components.

So, I’m using dayjs for my date/time stuff, and this line essentially means, parse the Date before assigning it to a form value (or create a new Date(), because React and controlled/uncontrolled forms is not a happy story).

TL;DR: Parse the date value coming from the backend into a Date object. e.g.