How to run gitea securely with snapcraft’s gitea snap on CentOS/Rocky/Alma etc

Install gitea snap

Add user

systemctl edit snap.gitea.web.service

In app.ini

add firewall forward rule

[solved] cannot install the best update candidate for package gdal36-libs-3.6.4-5PGDG.rhel9.x86_64

WTF do I have to do to get this bug fixed?

There are a bunch of search results, in the end leading to this dead end, bureaucracy bullshit ticket:
pramsey says, “Please report build issues to the builder, as they won’t get fixed here.”

Typical bureaucratic bullshit.

Yes, crb is enabled.
Yes, epel is installed.

Why is this shit not getting fixed?

epel is installed, but not enabled by default. Unbelievable.

mm_answer_keyallowed: publickey authentication test: ED25519 key is not allowed

Debian 12.
After a long time I’ve installed Debian 12 in a VM again.
I used ssh-copy-id to copy the key files to the VM.
When I tried logging in, I still had to supply my password.
What was going on?

Well, I’ll spare you the mindfuck and give you the solution.

It wasn’t the encoding, it weren’t the permissions, it was…
My .ssh/id_ed25519 and .pub were dated older, from 2021, than a newer key I generated for github, id_ed25519_github.
So, I don’t know why all of a sudden this is happeneing, ssh-copy-id decides to take the most newly generated key in the .ssh directory, which is the github one and ignore all other keys.

In order to fix this

because ssh-copy-id since, who knows when, takes only 1 ed25519 key and it’s always the latest one.

I usually always did the copy/pasting by hand, until I stumbled on some smarty-pants blog-post which suggested ssh-copy-id. I’m going to fall back to doing it manually again.

Mastodon ohne Gendern und mit 5000 statt 500 Zeichenbeschränkung

Mich stört bei Mastodon diese Cancel Culture und auch und vor allem das Gendern.
Das ist einfach eine schreckliche, unleserliche, politisch motivierte Verunstaltung der Sprache.

Deshalb habe ich per Hand die Sprachdateien geändert.

Außerdem gefällt mir nicht das man nur auf 500 Zeichen beschränkt sein soll bei der Länge der Posts.
Darum habe ich die Länge auf 5000 Zeichen geändert.

Das ganze gibts als Patch für die Version 4.2.7, aber sie sollte auch für Nachfolgeversionen funktionieren, zum runterladen.
Oben auf “Raw” klicken und “speichern als”.

Google Chrome doesn’t delete my cookies

Yesterday I was on a site where I accidentally logged in with a banned account.
So i clicked the “2 pins” icon next to the address field and deleted the “stored data”.

Then i refreshed the page but the cookies were still set, unlike on Firefox, where the cookies are actually deleted.

This has got to be against some EU privacy law.