In Serbien werden Masken und Handschuhe an die Bevölkerung verteilt, aber nicht in Deutschland.
Serbien ist ein ärmeres Land als Deutschland und hat weniger Infrastruktur, aber dort kann man Masken verteilen und eine Ausbreitung zu verhindern.
Nur in Deutschland ist das scheinbar nicht möglich. Warum?
Creating a HTMLElement with settable and gettable properties
Configuring Nginx to have Keycloak handling auth requests in the same domain as your single page app and http api
If you want keycloak to handle auth requests in the same domain as you’re service your single page app (spa) and http api:
The prerender config comes from my prerendering proxy.
Keycloak is listening on port 4000 locally.
Continue reading “Configuring Nginx to have Keycloak handling auth requests in the same domain as your single page app and http api”
Why you should not use Angular for your frontend
With Angular you can create fancy-pancy beautiful functional super realtime sites.
But, the problem is, they don’t perform well.
Continue reading “Why you should not use Angular for your frontend”
Remove Skype from Windows 10 – 100% working way
If you check your Task Manager you can see Skype running despite you never had installed it or having a user account.
Here’s a simple but effective way to remove Skype (or any other app) from Windows 10.
Continue reading “Remove Skype from Windows 10 – 100% working way”