Pacman remove a package from the registry

Sometimes it happens that package maintainers are slow and you’ve deleted the installed files manually and replaced them with current files.
Example Android Studio (android-studio).
You tried to do a upgrade because it signaled there was a newer version available.

When a program has an self-upgrade feature you don’t really need a package manager anymore, right?

So in my case I have sudo rm -rf /opt/android-studio and downloaded the current files and extracted into /opt/android-studio. But it’s now 2 weeks later and I’m trying to upgrade my system and android-studio doesn’t want to install.

I’m removing the package from the pacman package registry or database and managing Android Studio upgrades manually from now on.



1kg Mehl
700ml Wasser, kalt
3g Hefe
30g Salz
50ml Olivenöl

Das Mehl komplett in einer Schüsselt geben. Hefe und 600ml Wasser dazu und einen groben Teig kneten. 15 Minuten ruhen lassen.
Dann das Olivenöl und das restliche Wasser dazu, von den Seiten nach innen noch kneten.
Man nimmt einen größeren Behälter und ölt ihn ein, sowie den Teig, der jetzt glatt sein sollte.
Wir machen den Deckel auf den Behälter und tun den Teig idealerweise 24 Stunden in den Kühlschrank.
Der Teig braucht Zeit um zu gehen.
Das Ziel ist das der Teig intern Blasen bildet.

Wenn man Teile des Teigs geformt hat müssen die geformten Teile noch 2 Stunden gehen in Zimmertemperatur, besser wenn wärmer.

DJ Mixing Software comparison

This is a work-in-progress post.

So far I have tried 3 DJ mixing software products.

TL;DR: VirtualDJ wins, but it’s not really free

Free Open Source
+ Can handle any file format
+ Has up to 4 turnables
– Very unintuitive UI, which makes it hard to build sets and analyze tracks for BPM and key values.

Free for personal use, but very restrictive licensing
+ Technically the best software so far
+ Can use ASIO for main and WSAPI for headphones
– Only 2 turnables by default (update: You can install additional skins to have 4 decks, but they’re ugly)
– Every time it starts, it wants you to sign in/create an account
– No way to create a set list?
– Subscription based

Serato DJ Lite
Requires an account to be created, no way of deleting that account manually.
– Wants to upsell you on pretty much everything, cloud offers, their Pro subscription and it’s constantly nagging about it
– No proper audio configuration possible
– Tiny waveform display
– Control missing

Serato DJ Lite has to be some kind of joke.